EU WeMED_NaTOUR Capacity Building Programme

The Capacity Building Programme is a specialised online training course designed by the EU WeMED_NaTOUR, providing the tourism SMEs in the West Mediterranean knowledge in marine and tourism-related policies and actions; also increase the digital competences.

The programme also target schools and teachers as complementary components for the eco-smart packages.

EU WeMED_NaTOUR Capacity Building Programme is open!

From Autumn 2023, EU WeMED_NaTOUR Capacity Building Programme took off the journey of knowledge boosting with tourism SMEs. Since then, it has been a great step towards making the tourism industry in the West Mediterranean region sustainable and prosperous!
The programme focuses on the topics around knowledge in marine and tourism-related policies and actions; also increase the digital competences. The programme will be opened on the Moodle Platform, fully online! The course highly flexible, so you can take the course whenever and wherever that suits your schedule the most!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your business, start the Capacity Building Programme now by following the

SMEs taking the course should expect...

  • 360° outlook in Sustainable Tourism with 6 Modules

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  • What would you get from the Programme?

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